is the violet flame dangerous

Raise your vibration from fear to love and slowly your body will heal on its own. All the best! The consciousness of the people of earth is being reborn and the spiritual fires of freedom are blessing each one, each family, each nation and the world. What Is Your True Color Personality Type? It starts out chugchug and pretty soon it's going chug-a-chug-a and then chug-chug-chug-chug! The faster it goes, the greater the action. And to go see specific Chiropractor. REmember we are trying to become one again with the Father and our Christed Self so its also about enjoying the communion that takes place with the divine however the divine graces us! Endow each word with intense love for God. Free shipping for many products! I am so grateful to have this opportunity to have better understanding on using the Violet Flame on this 30 days challenge. So you could in this dream feel the energy which means you were consciousness not unconsciousess? It sets us free from all the hatred of our past scars and painful memories. To help you establish a sense of oneness with life and make yourself receptive, begin reciting a mantra. Using the Holy Fire Violet Flame to Cleanse Yourself Also I want to say that I am starting to experience peace and a steady increase of happiness since I started my journey of learning about the I am and the Violet Flame. Violet is a combination of blue and red and helps promote spiritual growth, universal love,imagination, creativity and the integration of ideas. It helps us to be brave when theres fear. Some repeat them diligently for months before they have any confirmation that the decrees are working. Some of you have seen where there have been a number of threads so great as to not even be possible of counting, and these threads of violet flame, almost as a gossamer veil, have gone directly to hearts all over the planetYou can in fifteen minutes a day of giving violet flame decrees have me with you; and in my presence with you, you can deliver a momentum of violet flame to many souls upon the planet. (Saint Germain, 7-4-91). Bit by bit, inch by inch, and day by day you will grow in spiritual depth and height. The Violet Flame is a powerful means of bringing that heaven world closer to earth. The Violet Flame is an energy of transmutation. Does this make sense to you? My experience is so wonderful. Kriya yoga too does transmute Karma in the tree of light just maybe not as strongly as the violet flame. Visualize a tube of Light over you and the blue of Gods will and protection around you and your family. It helps us realize we have the power to change the way we see things. In recent times, behavioral researchers haveeffectively implemented the power of color through spaces what have been painted in specific colors for their healing qualities. What is this magical violet flame we hear so much about? I invite the Light of the Holy Spirit to enter deep into every cell of my body and to expose the darkness, the density, the disease. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards. Namaste. I was not interested or curious enough till I purchase the Pleiadian Workbook workbook in October last year and took my Reiki Master course in Summer. Was the energy positive, peaceful and loving? Call to Archangel Michael for your spiritual protection before you give the Violet Flame decrees. I almost didnt, because I been so many times. I will be on the look out for Tampa Bay people for you!, Yes, I would love to stay # is: 705-515-1000 The violet flame as Saint Germain has taught it can actually enter the cells and atomic structure, including our DNA, and transmutation does take place. As you do, watch the blazing violet flame slowly shrink into the center of your forehead, where your third eye is. Paula. I had just lost my job due to injury. Some use chakra candles as well to feel calmer during meditation. It was an awful experience with anxiety and panic. Is the Violet Flame Dangerous? Then I thought maybe this is an actual medical problem. Call for spiritual protection first before starting the meditation. Fear is an appearance you are making real with your thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and attention. Bathe the earth in violet fire. Yes there will be body symptoms with energy and spiritual work as the density we have created with our thoughts and emotions are creating the density. Have any thoughts to share? NT$ 5,800. Thank you Master Saint Germain for giving me opportunity to serve!! Then I started feeling the tingling and feeling off. Join the oncoming wave of Spiritual Light as the violet flame sweeps across the planet. The violet flame works in microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds and is the key to individual and world transmutation. We can see the beautiful violet flame and visualize its light over us, our families, our world. The Violet Flame is one of the causes behind the science of miracles, a universal solvent of heavenly alchemy, and a special spiritual solution for our time. Every day I give my heartfelt thanks to Saint Germaine , ArchAngel Michael and the violet flame.for giving me tools to rise my vibration , rise above the darkness and help others. So, you have set the important spiritual foundation for your spiritual alchemy with the violet fire. As you practice directing the violet flame to help others, you can begin to think of your aura as a violet-flame fountain where all whom you meet can come and drink. Paula. I recognize that these messages are coming from beings of light because of my guru Yoganandas wisdom that is in me now. I focus on a picture of MOTHER while doing my daily decrees. Where your attention goes energy flows so watch your thoughts and start immediately clearing it into the violet flame for transmutation when you think fear thoughts! So as we do the spiritual work and these spiritual tools but not yet in the perfected state our frequency energy increases in positive energy. For instance, the aura of someone who is in a state of contemplation, study or meditation might have the presence of a yellow light, a violet light and even a blue lightthe blue indicating faith in God. The violet healing energy and Reiki is an ancient spiritual healing tool that helps cleanse ourselves from all the negativity. Hi I signed up but have yet to receive an email from you Nikki, I just saw your email here. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Everything it touches, it transforms. What is violet flame healing in a nutshell, How you can use the violet flame for self-transformation, Find a way to heal your body, mind, and soul holistically using the violet flame. Violet Flame is Gods Sacred Fire Energy and it will transmute per your calls negative energy. Be grateful that you are here and that you have the opportunity to erase those records with the violet flame. Its all energy. We can treat illnesses with proper medical care, but spiritual energy also helps balance our physical, mental, and emotional health. I input your name into the violet flame challenge page so here is your link to confirm: When it did, I all of a sudden saw/felt this intense violet light in my chest. As you repeat the decree, notice if you feel more loving and spacious. If the intention you set in step one is not a personal one, but a social or global one, bring the image of the external problem into your violet flame. This changed in September 2019 now there is a pleasant pressure there of my heart flame that was not there before this because it is growing and the decrees help me to bring my attention my my heart flame in my heart area every day. But you will also feel liberated because you know that as you give your violet-flame decrees, you are transmuting the records of your past karma. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. With palms facing upwards, your hands should rest on your upper legs. By letting the positive energy flow, we help with the healing process and self-transformation. Asked me to raise both arms, and he was going to press down on free arm with me clenching teeth and with Jaw open. We welcome you to try the decrees and meditations on our Violet Flame Resources page. It is the energy of transmutation. After this, I kept hearing a voice that asked me do you want to be an invoker?, I said I was not sure. Hi I started using Violet flame last year. [Read More]. Forgive yourself and move on. You may seek to revitalize a personal relationship or direct the light to a physical condition or places that need healing. Some experienced the secret flame itself, and some knew of it as the power of Gods mercy to change hearts and the world around them. So yes I had some stress but I personally thought I was relaxed. It transmutes the negative energy into positive, revitalizes & restores your energy field. Such stress would produce a muddying of the violet light of the aura as well as explosions, perhaps, of great energies of fear recorded as brown, black and gray substance. Violet Flame Meditation for Spiritual Transformation. 15-minutes a day is all it takes. We guide spiritual seekers undergoing an awakening to walk the path less travelled, practice inner soul work, and rediscover their interconnected True Nature in the present moment. The violet flame neither takes away our problems nor removes all the negativity surrounding us. Ever wondered why hospitals are often painted in blue tones? I think it would help you to read the initial books in which the teachings on the violet transmuting flame and also on each ones individual divine presence were first introduced to seekers. I am telling people about this as my pendulum does tell me that this violet flame is higher tool from God than even the Kriya Yoga technique I do. . -. May the Violet Flame give us more understanding and skills to pursue our true mission. Begin repeating the following decree: I AM the Violet Flame of presence, blazing and transforming whatever within me that needs to be healed. Repeat this energetically and as many times as you feel necessary. This is only one Tree and its the Tree of Life which is Perfection based on Polarity of Light and Love! I dont know what my throat Chakra would want me to say as Im quite vocallol Try different words, always starting with I AM the Violet Flame to create your own decrees and find whichever provides you the most healing. You will not spill the cup as soon as it is filled and fail to make any permanent progress on the path of discipleship. We dont have Gods kingdom on earth as yet. Paula, my dear friend paula, so nice to find this website and read your messages I live in florida and would love to speak with you someday ! As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. Do you know the power of Violet Flame? - WeMystic From child to death we are all being imprinted by others and our environment as to what we belief. Thank you for the Great Work the Summit Lighthouse is doing to spread the Light to the world. Start here . Since we qualify the energy that Universe gives us with every heartbeat, most likely some of it is not qualified in the best way. One step begins the trek of a thousand miles. I am so glad my soul nudge me to google violet flame! Hi Rita Be-Still and know that I am God within me! To people who have developed their spiritual sight, the violet flame looks like fire, in colors ranging from dark indigo and brilliant amethyst to violet pink. My intuition gets richer. Each color has its distinctive divine qualities. You can draw more light and strengthen the violet flames with more repetitions. Receive a daily email with inspiring quotes from the masters and archangels of the seventh ray! I look forward to hearing from you! But both together definitely a plus. You should continue your writing. I Am a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires. In this theory, the Violet Flame is a technique to help you purify your life. I love you :-). I hope to explore these ethereal retreats in the coming months. We have also correlated these seven rays with the seven chakras. When we let the divine light in, we accept things as they are and look at our mistakes as lessons. There are certain characteristics that we read in one another at these levels of consciousness that can tell us much about a person before we even know him. Violet Flame is the discovery of a lifetime. Thus, if we increase the light of purity and of the violet flame through our mantras and our prayers to God, we will also accelerate our consciousness on the white and violet rays. The 1st Gate - The Violet Flame and Saint Germain This is because blue is associated with calmness, which is very useful in a hectic environment! . Spiritual energy can help us move through many obstacles on our path and heal a multitude of problems from physical and emotional issues, to relationship problems. But when you close your eyes and concentrate on the energy center between your eyebrows, you can sometimes see the violet flame at work with your inner eye. In the center of this blazing white sun, visualize a small violet spark. I said it might be Michael and I checked my pendulum later it said yes! If there is a pale yellow, almost golden, light in the aura of an individual, especially around the head, we know that there is flooding through that one's mind, as Kuthumi says, the fingers of cosmic intelligence. This energy present within the aura enables the mind of man to contact the universal Mind of God. Not only does it help with transmuting blocks into light, but it also acts as a source of strength, protection, and power. Spiritual seekers are familiar with meditation, visualization and affirmation. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. Apologies for late response! This transmutation process is symbolic of the alchemy of self-transformation through violet flame meditation and healing. Be Connected. The Violet flame is the powerful symbol of the spiritual fire of self-transformation. The Violet Flame - Discover its Power with Help from Angels I shine my Light and watch as the disease just disappears having no Cosmic Law to sustain it. Violet Flame Meditation: How To Use This Transformational Energy To Sounds like a deep and interesting dream. Read More. Depending on the calamity, there could also be grief, resulting in a further darkening of the aura. The violet flame is the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes to us under the sponsorship of Saint Germain, lord of the seventh ray and Hierarch of the age of Aquarius. At this very moment, I am holding Gaia in . It revitalizes and invigorates our bodies and changes negative energy into positive energy. Violet Flame thou Love Divine, Blaze within this heart of mine, Thou Art Mercy for every true, Keep me always in tune with you in love with you!!! Dizziness, thought it was an awakening. with no assistance. 23 comments Gail valley says: July 12, 2018 at 6:20 PM. With every beat of our hearts, energy is flowing to us from our Higher Source. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. There is great power in giving a decree slowly. I have been using the violet flame for years and I also use the Christ spirit. You will not be milked of your light and your energy. Great question. The first time you give a decree, you will want to repeat it slowly and deliberately. What is Violet Flame Healing? Everything You Must Know It is much more powerful to speak out loud than silently. Once you open it, you will want to roll up your sleeves, spend your time serving life and make calls to the violet-flame angels each day to transmute the karmic debris. Thanks so much! Thank You, Your email address will not be published. Why did I do, what did I start ? If you are just beginning to study and practice the violet flame, there is a 30 day introductory series called the Violet Flame Challenge on this site: Take the Violet Flame Challenge. I have had 3 experiences with St. Germain visiting me: while interiorized a being flew by or into my third eye area, while interiorized lying down for an hour doing decrees I heard inside me Thank You, and one time while meditating I saw a ethereal face come to me at my third eye. Thank you Catherine and you are helping everyone worldwide as well! I went to the doctor for a year with various tests and the main thing they came up with was HPylori and only options was Pharma. Remind yourself to always have that violet flame available for someone in need. CDs, you will hear the correct way to increase your speed. The Colors Of The Aura - The Summit Lighthouse Doing the Decrees is working your Throat Chakra so it may have just brought it up to the surface faster than if you did no decrees. If youd like to harness the power of the violet flame for yourself, you can do so with a simple visualized meditation. If the Violet Flame caused the tightness it is part of the transmutation and releasing old, stock, blocked energies in your body that is dense caused by your beliefs in the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil rather than Tree of Life that is Perfection. Discover the Secret of the Violet Flame. As described in Exodus 3:2 KJV in the story of Moses and the burning bush: And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed., This fire does not burn, its no ordinary fire, it is a spiritual fire of self-transformation that some people refer to as the the violet flame.. Did he have a glow about him? Healing is a personal journey of self-discovery and there are many ways of healing our broken heart. The fear only made my symptoms worse. However, the question about being an invoker made me feel uneasy, as if it was a permanent decision that had dark/unknown consequences. Feel the joy of freedom as the old dense energies are swept clear. I have been cleansing my body and all areas within with the violet flame. People believe violet healing energy to be a potent form of protection. So you still have blockages there and they are emotionally and spiritually based and the Chiropractor is not the doctor to clear those items only your Beloved I AM Presence and you! Your karma that is the record of and the penalty for sin. The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy. The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. Ive found this to be a great inner work practice. If there is a purple fire flecked with gold and ruby in the aura, we know it comes forth from the solar-plexus chakra. I did not bother to get it checked out as I have notice a lot of aches that come and then disappear. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? When I started the Challenge I asked my pendulum from scale of 1 to 10 where was my violet flame in being balance with 10 being the highest it was at 5 and the weakest plume being the blue power one. )the negative energy attacks are now less severe. My pendulum says its a Heart Expansion issue and tied to the Merkaba activation of some kind. . Think of a problem that youve recently discovered and would like to focus on. The preamble to a decree is like an invitation. i am so calm, stress free, my blood pressure is more stable now. We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be. Once you have memorized some of the violet-flame decrees, you can close your eyes and try this visualization. Give all your attention and affection to your Beloved I AM Presence and Your Three fold Flame in your Heart! Mark Prophet used to compare this acceleration to a train. Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. NT$ 756 - NT$ 1,017. You can work on relationships with your friends and loved ones. And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma . Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now You can give violet-flame decrees anywhere, anytimein your car, while doing chores or before going to bed. I will try some throat Chakra meditations and also see if they help. I took Christie Sheldons INtuitive Course and can clear peoples subconscious imprints that are still affecting them today and during the course cleared a lot of my own remaining baggage. Slowly recite: I AM a being of violet fire! Much like our spiritual paths, fire can be dangerous, but also an agent of change and rebirth in a new form. No votes so far! Listen to your Souls calling. I cant say I notice a difference because I am already highly vibrating because of the Kriya Yoga which is a powerful prana yama technique and another technique to listen to the Om sound within which I hear from that technique all the time now.