Cinco de ellas en Puerto Vallarta o cerca de esta ciudad del oeste de Mxico: Servicios Administrativos Fordtwoo -sealada por haber realizado pagos directos a miembros del CJNG-, Integracion Badeva, JM Providers Office, Promotora Vallarta One y Recservi. A lot of people I know IRL have been talking about the video. Jurado investigador acusa a seis personas de participar en esquema de contrabando de armas del Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin. Compartir en . He is name is number 2 en la Lista Negra. Then given to his son El 03 and others like El 85. VER . CJNG's armed wing with the weapons and vehicles that appear in the videos. R". Farfan got the drugs from CJNG members in Michoacn, a western state . WASHINGTON Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned eight Mexican companies linked to timeshare fraud on behalf of the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). Ciudad de Mxico, 2 de marzo (SinEmbargo).- El Gobierno de Estados Unidos impuso este jueves sanciones econmicas contra ocho empresas mexicanas por estafar, en beneficio del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), a ciudadanos estadounidenses que cuentan con viviendas de tiempo compartido, inform el Departamento del Tesoro. Jos Melndez, corresponsal SAN JOS, Costa Rica, febrero 13 (EL UNIVERSAL).- La guerrilla comunista colombiana del Ejrcito de Liberacin Nacional (ELN), que este lunes reanudar las negociaciones de paz con el gobierno de Colombia en Mxico, fue sealada desde 2018 por la polica antidroga colombiana como proveedora de cocana del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), una de . Lock who were on the CJNG payroll, allegedly providing protection to the criminal The arrest of Ruiz would be one of the biggest hits to date against the CJNG by Mexican authorities. In 2015, the US Treasury Department placed restaurant Mizu Sushi Lounge and its Tequila brand Onze Black on the blacklist of businesses suspected of having a relationship with drug trafficking. 02/03/2023 03:51. -Jose Maria Guizar Valencia, z43, alias Charlie, El Amo.-Mauricio Guizar Cardenas, El Amarillo, zeta.-Were they family with the Valencias of Michoacan? He is Mencho's godson from a fallen best friend/compadre. Igualmente lo sealan de ser el presunto responsable del secuestro de Jess Alfredo e Ivn Archivaldo Guzmn Salazar, "Los Chapitos", el 15 de agosto de 2016 en un restaurante de Puerto Vallarta. Quin es Juan Carlos Gonzlez el 03? Too funny. prevent violence in the areas where the CJNG maintains disputes with "El Keep posting your fake news 006, you should work for CNN with all the lies you tellYour post are an insult to real members of GN! the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel that has plunged Michoacn into a spiral of Qu es el fentanilo, la droga que alimenta la epidemia de sobredosis en EE.UU.. there has been no direct confrontation between the Federal Forces and the Y seal que trabaja de manera conjunta con la Administracin para el Control de Drogas (DEA) y la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) de Mxico. 03.14.22 Mexican authorities have not yet confirmed the apprehension of Ruiz, but said there were 14 men arrested during the shootouts , all alleged members of CJNG. Previously, in October 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice identified Abouzaid El Bayeh as being linked to CJNG and unsealed a federal drug trafficking indictment filed against him in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that was investigated by the DEA Los Angeles Field Division. When they started out as the mata zetas, There is intel on the main ones from cjng they just dont know who is who, once they get names then they find the info because these arent guys that are new to drug trafficking, they been around for so long just under different organization. This character is allegedly emerging as the successor of "El Mencho", as there is evidence that the recent acts of violence that have occurred in the region have been ordered directly by him. the so-called "Elite Group", an armed wing of CJNG enforcers that has Sedena clarified that so far Paradela marc el, por ahora, nico tanto del encuentro. This industry has been tool of the state to generate revenue for them and keep those who might rebel into a state of fear and submission. Chapo was a real gangster. It does sound like grupo balin. i doubt his killers would step a foot on his GALLINERO (Sinaloa). Los Angeles Field Division is the 2nd largest division in DEA and responsible for the seven largest counties in Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, Orange County, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, as well as the states of Nevada (Las Vegas/Reno), and Hawaii (Oahu/Maui), and the U. S. Territories of Guam and Saipan. En ese momento, se volvieron comunes los vdeos de personas cercenadas por . You cds cheerleaders are the funniest in the blog, 12:16 hey fan-girl just to let u know the only way for cjng to enter Zac was by asking CDG for help so with that being said mencha didn't enter the state the were LET IN, CDN doesnt exist anymore in Saca Tuercas. WASHINGTON Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned eight Mexican companies linked to timeshare fraud on behalf of the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). 2023 Cable News Network. Governors, Generals, Etc those are the people the cartels produce the most money for. Ruiz, also known as The YouTuber, is said to be the man behind the Jalisco Cartel New Generations propaganda videos. El doble R has a corrido adriel favela sings it, bur unlike the cds corridos his song is not exagerated, its called sigo con lo mio, i thought favela only sang for cds, i mean he is from durango. He works for the US, he became an informant since his arrest in Ca back in 92, everything that goes on in mex is being puppeteer by the US of A, all u guys are blind. By the way Cocho. El Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos menciona qu empresas fueron las que sancion el 23 de febrero por ser vinculadas al Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), adems de ser sealadas por cometer estafas y fraudes en contra de ciudadanos americanos, en Puerto Vallarta y Guadalajara.. El Departamento del Tesoro afirm que . they dedicated themselves to "cleaning the plaza and killing members of Todas las noticias sobre Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin publicadas en EL PAS. El gobernador Cuitlhuac Garca dijo que el video fue un montaje del CJNG para desacreditar a su gobierno. CJNG decapita sin piedad a presunto integrante de Los Zetas. Lots of old ties to mencho/cuinis in the Bay Area. Vehicles! Que chingados hay en Sinaloa que le interese al CJNG? Omg that name had me rolling. (CNN Espaol) -- Las autoridades policiales de Mxico capturaron a Christian "N", "El Zorro",y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito", presuntos lderes del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), confirmaron fuentes del gobierno este lunes a CNN. I have sent to the troopa del inferno and the cdn by fed ex a case of the finest Scottish whiskey hand crafted in the highlands by me personally to boost the morale of the cdn and troopa del inferno to give some courage to our troops for this upcoming battle of the ages cdn vs cjng i intend to raise a glass with you el senor huevo Trevino ATTE SCOTTISH ZETA. Criminal penalties for corporate officers may include up to 30 years in prison and fines of up to $5 million. En consecuencia, todos los bienes y participaciones en bienes de los sancionados que se encuentren en Estados Unidos o que estn en poder o bajo el control de estadounidenses quedaron bloqueados. The so-called "Elite Jessica was born in Michoacn and is in the cross hairs of authorities in Mexico and the United States as she owns a series of companies allegedly used to launder the profits of the cartel. You don't know what you are talking about, bozo. Tips can be submitted to DEA by phone (+1-213-237-9990), through Twitter (@DEALosAngeles), and by email ( for both fugitives, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes and Abouzaid El Bayeh. Domestic Cannabis Suppression / Eradication Program, Red Ribbon Toolkit - Resources For Your Community, DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Intelligence Research Specialist Job Announcements, Schedule A Hiring Authority: Intelligence Research Specialist, Privacy Impact Assessment and Management Information Systems, Victim Witness Assistance Program Resources. EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafas vinculadas al "CJNG". The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has announced its arrival in El Volantn, a small town in Jalisco near Lake Chapala, and it doesn't plan on leaving any time soon. 3 de marzo de 2023. You believe what you are supposed to believe! Not to mention that the Mexican air force also operates 20 UH-60 Blackhawks, which are outfitted with miniguns.The Mexican government also has tons more armored vehicles with mounted .50 cals. Ruiz is also under investigation for the killing of Venezuelan model Daisy Ferrer in 2012 and the murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary Jos de Jess Gallegos in 2013. as belonging to the "Elite Group" of the CJNG, according to state I never know the slang so I just go with the literal after researching and finding nothing. Los presuntos lderes detenidos del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) son Christian "N", "El Zorro" y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito". I wonder HOW a CARTEL that is in their peak such AS cjng will react to the GOV GOING sticky for them instead of their enemy CDS.. WILL be interesting to SEE. Since June 2000, more than 2,200 entities and individuals have been sanctioned pursuant to the Kingpin Act for their role in international narcotics trafficking. Remember when Chapos goons kidnapped Menchito in prison and Mencho folded like a cheap suit? Segn la acusacin del gobierno mexicano, El 03 cre dos grupos de lite, El RR y El Grupo Delta, para disputarse el territorio con el Crtel de Santa Rosa de Lima (Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Quertaro), Los Viagras (Michoacn) y La Familia Michoacana. March 2, 2023. The Mexican city of Guadalajara was under siege for at least 10 hours Tuesday night as a shootout between alleged members of the ruthless Jalisco New Generation Cartel and official forces took over the streets. murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary, A Cartel Firefight Just Turned a US-Mexico Border Town Into a War Zone. CJNG would be nothing without Cuinis . Get them all, and of course be safe, Lol!!! En octubre del ao pasado, el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos indic a cuatro individuos como miembros del CJNG, entre ellos Jarqun Jarqun, bajo la acusacin de realizar operaciones ilcitas en el Puerto de Manzanillo, en Colima, y reas aledaas. En un comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro afirm que "en zonas tursticas como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado en prcticas de fraude que a menudo afectan a ciudadanos estadounidenses". Todas fueron sancionadas por ser propiedad, estar controladas o dirigidas por el CJNG, incluso por haber actuado en nombre del grupo criminal, directa o indirectamente, explic el Departamento del Tesoro. El Millonario tiene una dura prueba ante el Granate para intentar subirse a lo ms alto de la tabla de posiciones. They are dependent on American trade and their loans because the govt officials steal all the other money the govt has in it's coffers. suffered an attack that he survived. Nope, hes the son. Andar a salto de mata, "jumping from the bushes" translates better to the more usual "hiding in the bushes". It was a very violent reaction by the criminals, Ricardo Meja Berdeja, Mexicos Security Undersecretary said in a security meeting Wednesday morning. No escribas babosadas que el Pirata mal clculo ir a GDL sin haberse disculpado pblicamente cmo lo hizo Chanito. Desde analistas de logstica hasta ingenieros, Hiplito Mora, exlder de autodefensas, denuncia ataque en su contra; hay 2 heridos, "Los sistemas inteligentes pueden propagar estupidez artificial", advierte experto, Huesera, filme que navega en el gnero de horror, para hablar de la maternidad, La prdida amorosa es una de las ms radicales que todos conocemos: Pablo Azcar, Samovar es la historia de vida de mi abuela y mi obra ms ntima: Ethel Krauze, La historia sera otra si hubiramos puesto la maternidad al centro: Tania Tagle, La Cabeza de Joaqun Murrieta, una serie basada en el "Robin Hood" mexicano, "Cualquier cosa se puede conseguir": Zaber celebra firma con disquera holandesa, La atmsfera futurista de Astronoma Interior llegar a Vive Latino y Pa'l Norte, En Edomex persiste la "dinosaurica" cultura poltica del Grupo Atlacomulco: Barranco, "Salvajes", cancin con la que LEZ honra la memoria de su vocalista Carlos Baltazar, "Necesitamos voces diversas": scar Jaenada y Maya Zapata presentan Horario estelar, Es una suerte haber disfrutado de un amor a lo largo de 30 aos: Luis Garca Montero, Santiago Nieto critica que jueces federales decidan en funcin de su sesgo poltico, Canad: Rescatan a 64 trabajadores mexicanos que eran explotados por red traficante, Cocaine Bear: Pablo Escobar y la real historia criminal del oso cocainmano, Cocaine Bear eclipsa a "Ant-Man", pero no lo quita de la cima de la taquilla, HBO pone fecha al regreso de La Casa del Dragn; se estrenar en el 2024, Avatar 2 supera a Titanic en las 10 pelculas ms taquilleras de la historia, Que Viva Mxico!, de Luis Estrada, comparte triler lleno de stira poltica, Pinocho, de Guillermo del Toro, triunfa con el BAFTA a Mejor Pelcula Animada, Nuevo avance del remake de La Sirenita con la rsula de Melissa McCarthy, Todd Phillips comparte la primera foto de la secuela del Joker con Lady Gaga, AppleTV+ revela la fecha de estreno de la tercera temporada de Ted Lasso, Bridgerton 3 estrena avance con la reina Carlota como la protagonista, Magic Mikes Last Dance gana 8.2 mdd en primer fin de semana; domina taquilla, Argentina 1985, de Ricardo Darn, gana el Goya a Mejor Pelcula Iberoamericana. Cds has been getting their ass kicked ever since mencho ene against that cartel. He was also identified as the alleged link between the CJNG and federal, state, and municipal authorities, Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El Mencho" Juan Carlos Gonzalez "El 03" Erick Valencia Salazar "El 85" (?) He is way more respected than menchito.. Marro". 03-03-2023. Bro I stay going to sinaloa to sleep with these narcos wife's. Mencho), for playing a significant role in international narcotics trafficking. Also to your point about La Coronas brief existence, dont you think La Corona and Los Aliados and all the other CDS cells just coalesced into the Los Sinaloas tag/group thats always used when talking about CDS in Jalisco? La Sedena confirm que los videos en los que el CJNG presumen su armamento son reales y se trata del "Grupo lite", brazo armado liderado por Juan Carlos Gonzlez, "El 03", y Ricardo Ruiz . Los medios locales, que repasan los acontecimientos criminales en la entidad tapata, aseguran que Juan Carlos Gonzlez fue el encargado del ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco, Luis Carlos Njera, el 22 de mayo de 2018en la ciudad Guadalajara, quien slo result herido en una mano, y el asesinato de los miembros de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal de la Subprocuradura Especializada en Investigacin de Delincuencia Organizada (Seido), Alfonso Hernndez Villavicencio y Octavio Martnez Quiroz; y del director de Seguridad Pblica de Zamora (Michoacn), Daniel Torres Hernndez. This article's lead section may be too long for the length of the article. Amazing article. (CJNG) particip en el ataque . Esta bien chaka. Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro addressed the attacks Wednesday and said no one was hurt during the shootouts. The authorities only have identified as children of "El Mencho" Jessica Johanna and Rubn, nicknamed "El Menchito", who has been held since 2015 in a high security prison in the state of Oaxaca. Todays action is the result of OFACs ongoing collaboration with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Los Angeles Field Division. Say what you will about Mencho, but he moves very carefully and has shown to be very elusive. We know so little about CJNG compared to the Sinaloa Cartel, cjNg has existed for around 5 years. Haters gonna hate. "Elite Group" shoot into the air while shouting the name of their The elite group was formed last year and is led by Juan Carlos Gonzlez, 'El 03'. . Funny how barely ur finding about this guy,it aint his son.he raised him! It is another victory for Jalisco New Generation Cartel in it's war with Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. The knives stabbed into the corpse fixed boards with messages to the body, one of which read "the traitor" in Spanish, Vice reports. Marro". ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. No matter how careful mencho is eventually the American CIA will locate anx eliminate him. Do you not remember that CJNG is the only cartel to give the army and sedena a run for their money how many black hawks did they shoot down with rpgs? Valencia Gonzalez's mother, Rosalinda Gonzalez Valencia, is married to CJNG leader Nemesio Ruben Oseguera-Cervantes, a/k/a "El Mencho,"- making him Valencia Gonzalez's his stepfather. El "Grupo lite" del CJNG surgi en 2019 bajo el mando de "El 03, "maestro" del "Doble R". "Me parece que a pesar de sus graves errores del pasado, los partidos son tiles y necesarios, indispensables para lograr un triunfo opositor en las, "Hoy las posibilidades de que haya charcos estn ms en que el presidente y los lderes de Morena rieguen el tepache a que lluevan algunas.