IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is one of the oldest and worldwide recognized test. It is a pathway to hold grip on acquiring international education, work and migration. It is acceptable worldwide to get admission in colleges and universities. The evaluation of exam is conducted by IDP organization which was established in 1989. Basically, it helps to showcase the proficiency of non-native English speakers, which is a global dominating language. All in all, IELTS access overall communication level of a student, as it is segregated into four modules: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Result is declared after 13 days of test. Test’s TRF is valid only two years. There is also an aid of Enquiry on Results (EOR), if test undertaker is not satisfied with his/her declared result. Do keep in mind, organization charge for re-evaluation of test, but the best part is, if there is increment in bands after rechecking, then whole money will be refunded back to student. Not to worry, as there is no chance of reduction in declared bands, either it will increase or stay same.
With the advancement in technology, now IELTS not only conduct pen and paper exam but also in computerized manner. The introduction of CD IELTS (Computer Delivered) has helped those students, who do not want to wait for long 13 days to get result, as result come out within 3-5 working days. Speaking criteria remains same as Pen and Paper based IELTS. Moreover, there are multiple dates available in a month unlike IELTS where only 4 Academic and 2 General tests being conducted in a single month.
Though, IELTS is the basic and mandatory requirement to apply for student visa, thus the quality of practice should match to the dream. Here, when AA PATHWAYS comes in picture. With experienced faculty, well-equipped classrooms and top-notch infrastructure, AA PATHWAYS guides students at each and every step (individual attention) to achieve their desired bands. Solo (one to one) speaking gives real exam experience to students and assists them to build up confidence to appear for exam. We understand the obstacles that are being faced by students in Reading part. Thus, we have introduced special Reading analysis class in our curriculum, so that students can elevate their reasoning skills. Faculty conducts discussion among students in writing class, so that they can enhance their idea creating skill and update latest vocabulary.