why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies?

These were the best cookies ever! to see if I can find these cookies. It's just barely enough for the 2 pie crusts I needed to make this morning, where it used to be plenty with leftovers. They are the best cookies ever made! I want to recreate them with a recipe contest! OMFG. They were better than the Oreo with peanut butter in the middle, and that is saying a lot because I love those Oreos. The Best Cookie Ever Made, Please Someone Make Them Again, Are Give Me The Recipe And I Will Make Them My Self.. My absolute favorite store-bought cookie EVER!!! The loss of these cookies was devastating. We should start a petition drive to bring them back.. This news is very sad. The Untold Truth Of Nilla Wafers - Mashed.com I miss you Ideal cookies. I always went with my mom to the A & P and I'd beg her to get them every time. You can't find anything that even comes close to the taste. Nabisco, are you listening? He figured out that, since Kelloggs admitted it wasnt interested in doing anything with the cookie brand, he legally would be able to cancel the trademark and re-use it. There is nothing that compares to the Ideal cookie which is why it had the perfect name. I have been searching for these damn cookies for decades hoping upon hope I could find them again. I would gladly pay $10-15.00 for a box. Hands down the best cookie ever. I am going to keep trying and contacting them. She had the idea of looking for them online. :}, P.S. I was so bummed when they discontinued them. There must be a warehouse stash somewhere with these. The Hydroxs ornamental pattern is at once cruder and more delicate than the Oreos; the ridges around the edge are longer and deeper, but the center comprises stamped-out flowers, a design more intricate than the Oreo pattern, he stated. I can not remember the name. I remember them well. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: cis@nabisco.com Take a couple of minutes and make the request. Surely someone out there has enough influence on some high level executive at Kraft Foods to reintroduce this extraordinary cookie!!! I remember grocery shopping with my mother at the commissary in Newport RI. Go to this page and leave them a request to BRING BACK IDEAL COOKIE BARS!!! I was thinking of a nice surprise that I could get my two sisters who will soon be turning 50. I know they discontinued them years ago but I rfuse to give up hope. I also always look in the cookie aisle and leave buying no cookies because there is no competition. My Mom too kept these hidden as much as possible because we would devour them. Nabisco-PLEASE make them again. I would weigh 500 lbs more than I do now if they didn't, and willing to pay alot per bag so I'd be broke. If you want a good substitute, though remember that it's merely a substitute, try the Trader Joe's Chocolate-covered Peanut Butter Pretzels. (Two words: Cheez-It.). Please Nabisco, Ideal or whomever owns the recipebring them back! we both started laughing when we realized how much we both wanted them! Too much cookie, not enough fudge and peanut butter. the little Debbie ones don't even come close .Please bring back the ideal. They are amazing! 1993 Kraft General Foods acquires NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJR Nabisco. The taste brought back a memory from 30+ years ago. I grew up devouring these cookies, they are the BEST ever Nabisco made. You can wait around and hope but, frankly, I'd be astonished to see anything of their class again. I was telling my children and my husband about it. I loved these when I was a little girl. I have e-mailed Nabisco begging for them to just bring them back as a seasonal item or a limited time only so me & my sisters could stock them in the freezer but I think if everyone would e-mail them maybe they would listen. Weird how so many people miss it like I do. Then he started pre-bagging them for lunch. I'm sorry I just read Pollies comment, trust me Reese doesn't come close, I've looked for years for this cookie, and now that I've remembered it's time to hammer Nabisco. IF WE ALL MAKE A CALL WITHIN THE NEXT 3 DAYS, MAYBE THEY MIGHT WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE; WHICH BY THE WAY GOES GREAT WITH AN "IDEAL" BAR. Roll into small balls and place on ungreased or parchment lined cookie sheets. Wow, I can't believe I'm not the only one craving these cookies, I remember waking up in the middle of the night as a child and going to the fridge for one of these cookies, I would always tip the box forward as to look like there wern't many gone.my mom always new who to blame when only one was leftI REALLY MISS THESE COOKIES!! Finally, my father started counting them. Ideal cookie isn't the only good cookie we've lost. I loved those cookies. More and a few times we paid for an empty pack. Finaly found on the web, after years of idly searching. I too loved these wonderful cookies. nostalgia) things are "In" right now. I certainly DON'T, and my not buying cookies shows it!!!! The combination of all the ingredients was GENIUS!!! I'd BEG the president of Nabisco to re-introduce them, if it would do any good! I still have the scar and it reminds me of these wonderful cookies everyday. Who knew so many other people loved my favorite cookie ever? I found that the peanut butter Twix is similar, but these are hard to find. I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! I asked the Vermont Country Store to get them going again, I have not seen them in their catalog yet. I wish they would bring them back too! My parents both worked for Safeway in Va. we loved those peanut butter cookie bars in the orange and brown wrapped rectangular box. It seems like we ought to be able to recreate a recipe - anyone? The Little Debbie bars don't even compare to Ideal Bars. My all time favorite cookie! O. O U. U U U UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Now - as to starting a "petition" - any suggestions and who would like to sign?! I miss these cookies too! http://www.nabiscoworld.com/misccontent/contactus/contact.aspx?m=cu_form2&age=3&coppa=False&prod=True&sub=335 opps ;), My letter wasnt enough to bring em back, lets do this ppl :) Here's Nabiscos reply: Hi Dan, Thank you for visiting http://www.nabiscoworld.com and for your interest in Kraft Foods. I LOVED these cookies. Well it wasn't long afterwards they disappeared altogether. NABISCO..PLEASE BRING THE IDEAL COOKIES BACK!!!! Nabisco, come on, look at all the sales here. There is a Facebook page called Bring Back The Ideal Bar! He could not believe the Ideal bar interrogation. Ideal. BRING THEM BACK, NABISCO. Someone needs to start a facebook group. I also LOVED the cookies as a child. Ideal cookies were a staple in my house. No purchase necessary. Nothing will ever compare to Ideal Cookies! They were not made in the summer because they would melt. When you think of dark sandwich-like cookies with a creamy white center, you probably think of Oreos, in part because Nabisco is so good at marketing. It was my favorite cookie as a child and I've never found one I liked better since. Maybe we're all psychic and they're planning to re-release them in the near future! They were expensive in the 70;s and our family had tight money, but we got these. I'm with you guys; Scott, Jim, Jan, et,al My most treasured memories of the seventies include that cookie/bar. I'm on a mission now!!! This cookie was by far the most delicious blend of flavors you could ever ask for. Oreo boycott (also known as the Nabisco boycott and Mondelez boycott) is a boycott of the Oreo cookie and other Nabisco-manufactured products, including Chips Ahoy! Sorry to say but, "Little Debbie" peanut bars (or whatever they are called) do not even remotely compare with Ideal cookies; not even slightly! My mom would hide ours, too. I would dearly love to give my dad a package of Ideal cookies. Dad always got a pack when we all went to the grocery as a familywe'd open the pack while shopping and they were gone before we hit the register! These cookies RULED! They are both treasured cookies. There will always be room in this world for more chocolate and peanut butter. Unfortunately in todays society, the squeezy wheel gets the oil. Some of these gingerbread cookies take months to make. I always thought they should have packaged them as candy bars since that's basically what they were. They didn't make them in the summer, so when it cooled down, we immediately started asking for them. My Mom and I ate so many packages of these we should be ashamed! i didnt no they stopped making them i thought they were hard to find because they didnt make enough.i dont even buy cookies anymore they s__k that was the only cookie. We kept them in the refrigerator and they typically lasted less than a day. One of the best cookies ever made. I figured like some of the old candy from the 60s is still made regionall that these cookies would be too. I think I saw the Nabisco executives all testifying before congress and each one in turn said "Ideal cookies are not addictive" and they had to pay millions in a settlement. My Mom use to hide them too, If she didn't they'd be gone really quick. I look for IDEAL cookies every time I am at the grocery store hoping to see that Nabisco has reintroduced them. "Correction" I called this Cookie a candy bar in my rush..my apologies. Oh yesHow I remember those cookies "Ideal Cookies" they were the best cookie I have every eatenI wish Nabisco would make them again. Does anyone remember another cookie at that same time that had chocolate, caramel, and covered with nuts? That really sucks, Nabisco really had something there. Then she'd say, "Now, Peter, you know that four is your limit." At family gatherings we still all long for these fabulous cookies. YOU CANNOT HAVE THIS MANY PEOPLE WANTING THIS COOKIE AND IGNORE THEM. Just go and like the Facebook page "Bring Back the Nabisco Ideal Cookie Bars". Mike Mozart, Flickr // CC BY 2.0. I sure do wish they would bring them back, even if it was just for a trial period. I have eaten many packages of these with a quart of milk. Perhaps if we all email Nabisco. I wrote the Nabisco Company a few years ago and they said they stopped making Ideal Bars because they were not selling as good as they wanted. But then I would probably gain 10 pounds! Still my favorite cookie of all times! I am so disappointed they have discontinued them. It appears we're not alone! Those cookies were both of our favorites. I have NEVER tasted another cookie that was anywhere near as great as Ideals. Theses cookies were the best and I still look for them. I have missed these cookies and have tried with much disappointment to find a replacementPlease, Nabisco, bring them back! I would love to get my hands on them again. They were the best ever! Mom would hide them in the refrigerator, but I always found them. they are the best. Bring them back to way up north in Maine!! )which got me thinking again about the best cookie ever, IDEAL! The taste is still on the tip of my tongue. 1981 Nabisco merges with Standard Brands. For example, while Nabisco was stuck spending money on a costly transformation to remove the lard from the cream in its cookies, Hydrox cookies were already kosher, which for decades gave them an advantage in the market. The history of Oreos is pretty dark. Cheers to all you fellow Ideal Cookie Lovers! Maybe they stopped making them because they were too expensive to make. The assortment packs included several types of cookies and were marketed for families or parties because of the variety they offered. Ideal Chocolate Peanut Bars -- oh man do I miss those. I would put them in the fridge. A version of this post originally appeared on Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. Things like fundamental goodness or being a beloved brand doesnt mater to a corporation; even if its name is Nabisco. Chill dough for about an hour. I too grew up with the wonder that was Ideals cookies and I miss them terribly. My biggest beef with the 'chocolate peanut butter' type cookies out there today is they are all too sweet! I'd then take a small bite of both ends of the Ideal bar, dip one end into the milk and suck the milk through like a straw. Found these comments so wanted to put my two-cents in on this. Very rich & creamy: You needed a tall glass of ice cold milk to offset the decadence of this confection. Like most American brands. I have to do a thorough search in the cookie aisle a couple of times a year. The best cookie in the world ! I look for them everytime I go to the store. You also need to bring back the Lemon Cooler and Cherry Cooler cookies! In the 80's, I believe, Ideal just didn't sell that well, and they were discontinued; I have a feeling that as the price crept higher and higher, many of the brands that were never featured were ignored. I was hoping to put the Ideal Bar in my search engine and find them on line somewhere.