holy thursday mass order pdf

The rubric following the washing of the feet is more descriptive than the presently existing one: "After the Washing of Feet, the Priest washes and dries his hands, puts the chasuble back on, and returns to the chair, and from there he directs the Universal Prayer. 24: AAS 59 (1967), p. 554. Assists the priest and remains at his side; Ministers at the altar, with the chalice as well as the book; Proclaims the Gospel and, at the direction of the priest celebrant, may preach the homily (cf. 47: AAS 59 (1967), p. 565. [42], The Prayers and Other Parts Pertaining to the Priest, 30. nos. The Blood of the Lord may be received either by drinking from the chalice directly, or by intinction, or by means of a tube or a spoon. 61. 548-549. Benedict XV, Apostolic Constitution Incruentum altaris sacrificium, 10 August 1915: AAS 7 (1915), pp. 57: AAS 59 (1967), p. 569; The Roman Ritual, Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass, edition typica, 1973, no. 397. [122] Moreover, benches or chairs should be arranged, especially in newly built churches, in such a way that the people can easily take up the postures required for the different parts of the celebration and can easily come forward to receive Holy Communion. 88). 21; Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests, Presbyterorum ordinis, no. In fact, the rite to be described below foresees a greater number of ministers. In the Church, which is the Body of Christ, not all members have the same office. "[T]he Priest, with the help of the Deacon if necessary, places the ciborium in the tabernacle, the door of which remains open" (EM, no. 0000001951 00000 n [91] Cf. 11; Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests, Presbyterorum ordinis, nos. The priest, joining his hands again and then immediately placing his left hand on his breast, raises his right hand and adds, Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus (May Almighty God bless you) and, as he makes the Sign of the Cross over the people, continues, Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus (the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit). 30, 34; cf. 24: AAS 60 (1968), p. 442. 'Pf HqjEsc\<9TRh 7R,~N93>. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. The Preface brings to light the conferral of the priestly power accomplished through the laying on of hands; and, by listing the various duties, it describes that power, which is the continuation of the power of Christ the High Priest of the New Testament. Through the entire celebration, the acolyte is to approach the priest or the deacon, whenever necessary, in order to present the book to them and to assist them in any other way required. 0 They are to teach, furthermore, that the Church, in her stewardship of the Sacraments, has the power to set forth or alter whatever provisions, apart from the substance of the Sacraments, that she judges to be most conducive to the veneration of the Sacraments and the well-being of the recipients, in view of changing conditions, times, and places. The Mass on Holy Thursday is commonly known as the Feast of the Lord's Supper. Ks7:Kw7TK_de}7+=,\,1wS\\ gg5M:iA!2s:gmN. John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Dies Domini, 31 May 1998 , no. [59] By their silence and singing the people make Gods word their own, and they also affirm their adherence to it by means of the Profession of Faith. The Church offers the Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christs Passover for the dead so that, since all the members of Christs body are in communion with each other, the petition for spiritual help on behalf of some may bring comforting hope to others. 384. Likewise, he should also gather any fragments that may have fallen outside the paten. CHAPTER I The Importance and Dignity of the Eucharistic Celebration, 16. Cathedrals and parish churches, however, are to be dedicated with a solemn rite. PL 2, 376A; Origen, Disputatio cum Heracleida, no. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. It is appropriate that, before being put into liturgical use, the organ be blessed according to the rite described in the Roman Ritual.[124]. Those present turn towards the ambo as a sign of special reverence to the Gospel of Christ. In accordance with the structure of each church and legitimate local customs, the Most Blessed Sacrament should be reserved in a tabernacle in a part of the church that is truly noble, prominent, readily visible, beautifully decorated, and suitable for prayer. Floral decorations should always be done with moderation and placed around the altar rather than on its mensa. 9. Council of Trent, session 21, Doctrina de communione sub utraque specie et parvulorum, chapter 2: Denz-Schn, 1725-1728. 298. 11. The Eucharistic celebration is an action of Christ and the Church, namely, the holy people united and ordered under the Bishop. In the dioceses of the United States of America, sacred vessels may also be made from other solid materials that, according to the common estimation in each region, are precious, for example, ebony or other hard woods, provided that such materials are suited to sacred use and do not easily break or deteriorate. 0000021149 00000 n 33. 364. 292. After the Lords Prayer is concluded, the priest alone, with hands extended, says the embolism Libera nos (Deliver us). Through the fraction and through Communion, the faithful, though they are many, receive from the one bread the Lords Body and from the one chalice the Lords Blood in the same way the Apostles received them from Christs own hands. THE ORDER OF MASS 7 For you alone are the Holy One,15 you alone are the Lord,16 you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. [27], 18. 47: AAS 59 (1967), p. 314. In carrying this out, to the greatest extent possible the Lords Day is to be preserved and safeguarded, as the primordial holy day, and hence other celebrations, unless they be truly of the greatest importance, should not have precedence over it. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. [69] Cf. 26. 40-41, 47-48, 61-64, 74, 86-88). And all pray in silence with the Priest for a while. John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Vicesimus quintus annus, 4 December 1988, no. Throughout the ages, the Roman Rite has not only preserved the liturgical usages that arose in the city of Rome, but has also in a deep, organic, and harmonious way incorporated into itself certain other usages derived from the customs and culture of different peoples and of various particular Churches of both West and East, so that in this way, the Roman Rite has acquired a certain supraregional character. Catholic Mass guide - Order of the Mass. 128. On memorials of Saints, the collect proper to the day is used or, if none is available, one from an appropriate Common. After the homily a brief period of silence is appropriately observed. 24: AAS 59 (1967), p. 554. Otherwise the priest himself says it after he has received Communion and before he distributes Communion to the faithful. [52] Cf. Then he takes his place in the sanctuary. When the distribution of Communion is completed, the deacon returns to the altar with the priest and collects the fragments, if any remain, and then carries the chalice and other sacred vessels to the credence table, where he purifies them and arranges them in the usual way while the priest returns to the chair. 13. Furthermore, the meaning of the Prayer is that the entire congregation of the faithful should join itself with Christ in confessing the great deeds of God and in the offering of Sacrifice. Offering: By which, in this very memorial, the Churchand in particular the Church here and now gatheredoffers in the Holy Spirit the spotless Victim to the Father. The Arrangement and Furnishing of Churches for the Celebration of the Eucharist, 288. The Communion of the concelebrants may also be arranged so that each concelebrant communicates the Body of the Lord at the altar and, immediately afterwards, the Blood of the Lord. Caeremoniale Episcoporum, editio typica, 1984, nos. ?KDnQ\Tin$|[X~.|A-&nkT s&']iBvyRM~:w^h4BHQm*lS6d|HD;$.O[cH1k.U@ ,_Y This is done not to add external solemnity to the rite, but to express in a clearer light the mystery of the Church, the sacrament of unity.[79], Even if the Bishop does not celebrate the Eucharist but has assigned someone else to do this, it is appropriate that he should preside over the Liturgy of the Word, wearing the pectoral cross, stole, and cope over an alb, and that he give the blessing at the end of Mass.[80]. In the absence of an instituted acolyte, lay ministers may be deputed to serve at the altar and assist the priest and the deacon; they may carry the cross, the candles, the thurible, the bread, the wine, and the water, and they may also be deputed to distribute Holy Communion as extraordinary ministers. Nevertheless, in a particular celebration, such as Confirmation, Marriage, or a Funeral, the series of intentions may reflect more closely the particular occasion. He himself begins it with a brief introduction, by which he invites the faithful to pray, and likewise he concludes it with a prayer. 79b). It is not merely a meal which reminds us of the Last Supper, or a Passion play which helps recall Good Friday, or a Sunrise Service which celebrates the Lord's Resurrection. 7. Where there is a large number of priests, concelebration may take place even several times on the same day, wherever necessity or pastoral benefit suggest it. In a similar fashion, traditions dating back to the first centuries, before the formation of the rites of East and West, are better known today because of the discovery of so many liturgical documents. 21: AAS 59 (1967), pp. Then the priest, with hands outstretched, adds, Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro (Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God), and the people respond, Dignum et iustum est (It is right to give him thanks and praise). 123, 129; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Inter Oecumenici, On the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 26 September 1964, no. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Musicam sacram, On music in the Liturgy, 5 March 1967, no. It is praiseworthy for the bread and wine to be presented by the faithful. [165] Cf. PDF THE ORDER OF MASS - Catholic Faith To you will I offer sacrifice of thanksgiving, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. The renewal of The Roman Missal, carried out in our time in accordance with the decrees of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, has taken great care that all the faithful may engage in the celebration of the Eucharist with that full, conscious, and active participation that is required by the nature of the Liturgy itself and to which the faithful, in virtue of their status as such, have a right and duty.[147]. From the Quaesumus, igitur, Domine (Father, may this Holy Spirit) to the Respice, Domine (Lord, look upon the sacrifice) inclusive, all the concelebrants speak all the following together: The Quaesumus igitur, Domine (Father, may this Holy Spirit) with hands extended toward the offerings; The Ipse enim, cum hora venisset (He always loved those) and the Simili modo (When supper was ended) with hands joined; The Unde et nos (Father, we now celebrate) and the Respice, Domine (Lord, look upon this sacrifice) with hands outstretched. 0000013406 00000 n Eucharistia, 11 October 1551: Denz-Schn, 1635-1661. (Paris, 1941-), p. 62; Statuta Concilii Hipponensis Breviata, 21: CCSL 149, p. 39. He consumes a little of the Blood of Christ and hands the chalice to the deacon or a concelebrant. 217. [40] For in the Mass the table both of Gods word and of Christs Body is prepared, from which the faithful may be instructed and refreshed. [14] Ecumenical Council of Trent, Session 22, Doctrina de ss. 332. 251. [119] Cf. 86). 259. Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, Instruction Actio pastoralis, On Masses with special groups, 15 May 1969: AAS 61 (1969), pp. He is preceded by a thurifer, carrying a thurible with smoking incense, and by servers with lighted candles. At the end the minister makes the acclamation, Amen. [70] Cf. 186. The holy day falls on the Thursday before Easter and is part of Holy Week. The people, however, stand and give expression to their prayer either by an invocation said together after each intention or by praying in silence. 128. Grant us, O Lord, we pray, that we may participate worthily in these mysteries, for whenever the memorial of this sacrifice is celebrated the work of our redemption is accomplished. 288-314. 76. 13c: AAS 56 (1964), p. 880. [125] Cf. The Vocal Expression of the Different Texts. The purpose of the Symbolum or Profession of Faith, or Creed, is that the whole gathered people may respond to the word of God proclaimed in the readings taken from Sacred Scripture and explained in the homily and that they may also call to mind and confess the great mysteries of the faith by reciting the rule of faith in a formula approved for liturgical use, before these mysteries are celebrated in the Eucharist. 68) with everyone standing. Holy Thursday Order of Mass - Saint+Elizabeth+Ann+Seton+Parish Then the priest, with hands extended, says the prayer over the offerings. If the Funeral Mass is directly joined to the burial rite, once the prayer after Communion has been said and omitting the concluding rite, the rite of final commendation or farewell takes place. The Liturgy itself teaches that great reverence is to be shown to it by setting it off from the other readings with special marks of honor: whether on the part of the minister appointed to proclaim it, who prepares himself by a blessing or prayer; or on the part of the faithful, who stand as they listen to it being read and through their acclamations acknowledge and confess Christ present and speaking to them; or by the very marks of reverence that are given to the Book of the Gospels. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. In addition, the nature of the ministerial priesthood also puts into its proper light another reality, which must indeed be highly regarded, namely, the royal priesthood of the faithful, whose spiritual sacrifice is brought to completeness through the ministry of the Bishop and the priests in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the one and only Mediator. Finally, the purpose of pursuing inculturation is not in any way the creation of new families of rites, but aims rather at meeting the needs of a particular culture in such a way that adaptations introduced either in the Missal or in combination with other liturgical books are not at variance with the distinctive character of the Roman Rite. Mt 13:52). In Eucharistic Prayer IV, the Confitemur tibi, Pater sancte (Father, we acknowledge) up to and including the words omnem sanctificationem compleret (bring us the fullness of grace) is spoken by the principal celebrant alone, with hands extended. It is up to the Conferences of Bishops to decide on the adaptations indicated in this General Instruction and in the Order of Mass and, once their decisions have been accorded the recognitio of the Apostolic See, to introduce them into the Missal itself. The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, editio typica, 1984, Order for a Blessing on the Occasion of the Installation of a New Cathedra or Presidential Chair, nos. This text is confirmed for use in the Dioceses of the United States of America. Otherwise all who pass before the Most Blessed Sacrament genuflect, unless they are moving in procession. [24] Cf. 0000003808 00000 n endobj For a particular reason, having to do either with the significance of the rite or of the festivity, the faculty is given to celebrate or concelebrate more than once on the same day in the following cases: A priest who has celebrated or concelebrated the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday may also celebrate or concelebrate the Evening Mass of the Lords Supper; A priest who has celebrated or concelebrated the Mass of the Easter Vigil may celebrate or concelebrate Mass during the day on Easter Sunday; On the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day), all priests may celebrate or concelebrate three Masses, provided the Masses are celebrated at their proper times of day; On the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day), all priests may celebrate or concelebrate three Masses, provided that the celebrations take place at different times, and that the norms established regarding the application of second and third Masses are observed;[104]. These, however, are so closely interconnected that they form but one single act of worship. In addition, he may give the faithful a very brief introduction to the Mass of the day (after the initial Greeting and before the Act of Penitence), to the Liturgy of the Word (before the readings), and to the Eucharistic Prayer (before the Preface), though never during the Eucharistic Prayer itself; he may also make concluding comments to the entire sacred action before the dismissal. 0000001056 00000 n 27-54). The Communion of the deacon and the purification of the chalice take place as already described. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 297: With this Mass, celebrated in the evening of the Thursday in Holy Week, the Church begins the sacred Easter Triduum and devotes herself to the remembrance of the Last Supper. Any of the faithful who wish to receive Holy Communion under the species of bread alone should be granted their wish. If they are made from metal that rusts or from a metal less precious than gold, then ordinarily they should be gilded on the inside. 362); The form of the gesture of peace (cf. In keeping with the Churchs traditional practice and the altars symbolism, the table of a fixed altar is to be of stone and indeed of natural stone. The Christian faithful who gather together as one to await the Lords coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (cf. In this case the principal celebrant receives Communion under both kinds in the usual way (cf. As a rule, the series of intentions is to be. The intercessions Ipse nos (May he make us an everlasting gift), Haec hostia nostrae reconciliationis (Lord, may this sacrifice), and Fratres nostros (Welcome into your kingdom) are appropriately assigned to one or other of the concelebrants, who speaks them aloud alone, with hands extended. "The altar may be decorated with flowers with a moderation that accords withthe character of this day" (EM, no. 137. The offerings of the faithful are received by the priest, assisted by the acolyte or other minister. He should, moreover, remember that the selection of different parts is to be made in agreement with those who have some role in the celebration, including the faithful, in regard to the parts that more directly pertain to each. Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Inter Oecumenici, On the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 26 September 1964, no. [73] Cf. Rp!HH*^S;bZUIeg5fUs]HXl9+R?ti|p[MLPRhi 83e85l /c0^7YjS Z,y,fhqHfzC.)*! 110. The rubrics for this section begin immediately with the first form of the Showing of the Holy Cross. 0000002162 00000 n Church decor should contribute toward the churchs noble simplicity rather than ostentation. [3] Evening Mass of the Lords Supper, prayer over the offerings. The rite concludes with the priests absolution, which, however, lacks the efficacy of the Sacrament of Penance. 365. The vestment proper to the priest celebrant at Mass and other sacred actions directly connected with Mass is, unless otherwise indicated, the chasuble, worn over the alb and stole.